but whoo....so tired some days. i wildly procrastinate; just so i have time chill out and not have a list of things to do. i'm realizing the modern age at my age is some mad business. i'm amazed at the speed kids can text or others can multi-task. i am so missing the neurons required to do that effectively. i'm still well-rooted in my one-thing-at-a-time vibe.
and so art camp begins this week. totally different scene. for one thing, i have one group and more class time. nice! but this one group is a majority of boys. great! no access to a working printer at the moment, lunch program delivery was delayed, so folks went into plan B with frozen spaghetti mama rose made, then the original lunch was relegated to snack time.
i had to completely wing it. using colored paper and got into contrast and complimentary colors. name a thing in nature with two contrasting colors? that went over cool. kemetic symbols on the yard....very nice. and it was hot, 80+ hot, zaki was super emotional, seynabou kept playing with my keys. finally...at 3pm i bounce. i had errands as usual to run to get prepared for the next day.
i'm leaving friday for maui and even with a certain of reticence; a super modest budget, no set plans other than connecting with this local cat....i'm getting the eff outta here. i need the move medicine that travel provides my spirit.